Basket awnings
Basket awnings
Our basket awnings are the ideal combination of attractive views and the best sun protection for every shop.
The technology of our basket awnings is long-lasting and reliable.
Aluminum components make the entire construction maintenance and rust-free.
The frame is anodized in natural color and available in a wide range of colors.
The basket awnings can be attached to the wall or ceiling. They are fixed and foldable available.
They can be selected from different types of fabrics, e.g. Arcade fabric bag, ValmexSol, acrylic fabrics in plain or striped.
Basket awnings from AFS are easy to handle in a variety of ways or company logo.
Types and designs
Type AFS 1
The versatile type 1 is fixed or foldable - optionally with cable pull, clamp holder,
crank drive or electrically.
Type AFS 2
Because of the higher throughput, type 2 is particularly suitable for low mounting
as well as narrow birch doughs. The side sections, which are pulled down to a great extent, also protect and predestine
For doors, gables and minimum throughput heights. Fixed and foldable available.
Type AFS 3
Here you can choose from a variety of shapes.
This type is particularly suitable for low overall height and larger failure and also wind stable and snow-resistant with flat curvature. Exclusively fixed, but it offers unimagined possibilities.
Type AFS 4
This type is the perfect variant for flat basket heights and large reach.
Mounted on a suitable substructure, this version offers ideal possibilities for shading
of entrance areas at hotels, restaurants, etc.